Informasi bagus ini seputar Sepeda Motor injeksi kencang jupiter z1 yang paling keren dari yamaha merupakan terobosan terbaru kenapa sih..yuk simak tulisan dibawah ini :
sepeda motor injeksi kencang dan irit jupiter z1 |
¾ Entering the season, the racing style of M. Zaki has matured. Hence, Haris Shakti Mlethis, this talented young mechanic dared transplant setting style motorcycle Yamaha Jupiter Z Indoprix to grandstand M. Zaki. Inevitably, it also leads the young rider standings on 125 cub tune up seeded alias MP1.
This is very different from the beginning of last season. Mechanical Team Yamaha Yamalube FDR KYT Trijaya still equip MP3 ala the motor settings to fight in the classroom MP1.
The reason, "Zaki is still in the stage adaptation. Can not bring big motor power on, "said mechanic smiling. In fact, at that time national champion subscriptions team still has a backup bike belongs Anggi Permana, MP champion now competing in the IP.
But, more and more hours of flying, Zaki performance increased. Mlethis also compensate by lowering engine that can shoot up to 25 horsepower are commonly used in IP.
Even so, no templok origin. There are some adjustments to the character that was half the series circuit Motorix dipentas on short tracks and impromptu. Hence, the character of the motor gently contrived for easy portability.
How so? Logically, the great power of control is difficult. This was overcome by a combination of gear ratios that are heavy on the first and second gear.
Typically, Mlethis wear ratio 13/34 and 16/29 on the motor IP. But, in the motor equipped Zaki ratio 14/34 and 18/31. Right. With more weight ratio, the motor more benign. Pembalappun not need to hang rpm when entering corners.
Consequently, the torque should be solid. The trick, kudu fuel flow more. So PWK carburetor 24 filled spuyer 118/68.
Mist flow of fuel should be made more smoothly. Useless gas is abundant, but the narrow path.
Tricked by porting contrived larger diameter. At ported over is 25.5 mm. While porting the widened median diameter 1 mm, from 28 to 29 mm.
Fog fuel is pumped piston TDR measures 55.25 mm. Piston includes newly launched products. "The material is new. The material is more dense, "added the man's original Jogja
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